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2024 Vertical Insights Symposium


How Security Can Benefit Workplace Efficiency and Real Estate Optimization
The Built Environment Advisory Board is pleased to present an interview with Bobby Louissaint of Meta. Join us for this conversation hosted by Advisory Board Chair Dan Cremins of Delta Electronics as we discuss how physical security technology tools provide benefits to built environments. 

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SIA Economic Outlook Series: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chief Economist

U.S Chamber of Commerce Chief Economist Curtis Dubay will offer analysis into key areas including current and short-term projected economic conditions, market performance, labor market and consumer spending trends, recent Federal Reserve actions and the impact of notable public policies that may impact economic growth.

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Sostenibilidad en la industria de la seguridad

En el entorno actual, las empresas deben enfrentar el desafío de satisfacer las demandas del mercado mediante productos innovadores y una experiencia del cliente excepcional, mientras avanzan hacia prácticas más responsables.

Desarrollar y ejecutar un plan de sostenibilidad implica abordar dimensiones ambientales, económicas y sociales para generar beneficios sin comprometer el bienestar de las generaciones presentes y futuras.

La sostenibilidad es cada vez más valorada por los consumidores, quienes eligen apoyar a las empresas que reflejan sus valores y compromisos.

En este webinar, conocerás más sobre:

  • Diferencia entre sostenibilidad y sustentabilidad
  • Innovación sostenible
  • Producción sustentable
Vertical Insights Symposium: Stadium Security
This virtual symposium will examine physical security challenges that must be addressed by stadiums, as well as technology solutions and best practices that can be leveraged to protect them.

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What to Know About Hiring (and Working With) Security Consultants
In this webinar co-produced by IAPSC and SIA, you’ll receive an inside look at the value proposition for leveraging consultants on your security projects – whether you’re planning a technology refresh or are scaling up for an enterprise-wide security audit. 

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